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There's always room for innovation at RocketFire Labs.
If you have a question, found a problem, or even have an idea that you think would
improve our apps, were would love to hear about them!
Check out the FAQ below or leave us some feedback.


  • Which platforms does Fox Hole Work on?
    Currently Fox Hole is on the Google Play Store and compatable with Android phones. iOS support is nearing completion, so keep an eye out for that!
  • I get an error when trying to log into Fox Hole.
    Fox Hole utilizes your direct Activision account to scrape your player stats. Using a made up user name, Blizzard account, Xbox Live or PSN account will not work and will result in an error.
  • How do I find my activision account name?
    Its actually really easy! Goto Click Login, skip 2 Factor authentication Under your user name on the menu bar, select "Basic Info" Scroll down until you see Activision ID with your name beside it. That's it! Use this Activision ID in the Fox Hole app.
  • Is Fox Hole only for COD Warzone?
    Currently Warzone is the first game supported because it is an inhouse favorite and the problems Fox Hole was designed to fix were derived from this game. There will be further support for other major team basedgames in the near future!


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